La familia real en jaque: Meghan Markle planea publicar su diario íntimo

Meghan Markle escribió una crónica en primera persona de su paso de los escenarios a ser miembro de la corona inglesa

Meghan Markle, la esposa del príncipe Harry está decidida a contar todos los detalles de su relación con los Windsor.

Meghan Markle está enfrentando una nueva vida, lejos de la realeza y sus protocolos. Es sabido que la ex-actriz no tuvo éxito en su relación con los Windsor y por tal motivo eligió renunciar a sus deberes reales. El príncipe Harry no lo dudó y decidió seguir los pasos de su esposa e instalarse con ella en Los Ángeles para formar otra historia. Obviamente, esto hizo que desde el entorno de la reina Isabel tuvieran que dar miles de explicaciones de lo sucedido, pero quien nunca habló al respecto fue la propia protagonista de la historia.

Al parecer, el tiempo de silencio se terminó y Markle está decidida a contar su versión de los hechos. Según afirmó una de las amigas íntimas de Meghan, la joven escribió una crónica en primera persona de cómo fueron los cambios que fue percibiendo en los últimos años: su paso de los escenarios a ser miembro de la corona inglesa, con las grandes complicaciones que eso acarreó.

I need your help. As we continue navigating through this new “normal,” I try my best to bring awareness to small businesses who need help the most. Yesterday, while scrolling through my feed I read, “This may be goodbye. We need your support.” on a new post and it made my heart drop. @judithandcharles is a Canadian based brand created and designed by husband and wife duo, Judith and Charles. They also happen to be one of Meghan’s favorite Canadian brands. In these photos, you can see the Duchess wearing their mini tuxedo ‘Digital Dress’ to watch @hamiltonmusical in London alongside Prince Harry to raise money for Sentabale. (This was pre-Archie but the sweet babe was in her little belly here!) @judithandcharles describe their brand as “feminine softness and strength” integrated with “inspirations of well-structured menswear”. They manufacture and design their collection in Canada – paying fair wages and ensuring safe work conditions while employing 230 Canadians directly and indirectly through manufacturing. Sadly, if they don’t receive support from the government through BDC, they will likely be closing their doors.Please, if you can, consider purchasing something from @judithandcharles. I’ll add the link to Meghan’s dress in my story. ??If you aren’t in a position to buy, please follow the link in my bio or stories to help appeal their case. ??It takes courage for them to share this struggle publicly. They need to sell 1,500 suits to survive.Please add any ideas you may have in the comments! We can all help in small ways to help make sure our favorite small businesses are still there when this storm blows over. ??

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I need your help. As we continue navigating through this new “normal,” I try my best to bring awareness to small businesses who need help the most. Yesterday, while scrolling through my feed I read, “This may be goodbye. We need your support.” on a new post and it made my heart drop. @judithandcharles is a Canadian based brand created and designed by husband and wife duo, Judith and Charles. They also happen to be one of Meghan’s favorite Canadian brands. In these photos, you can see the Duchess wearing their mini tuxedo ‘Digital Dress’ to watch @hamiltonmusical in London alongside Prince Harry to raise money for Sentabale. (This was pre-Archie but the sweet babe was in her little belly here!) @judithandcharles describe their brand as “feminine softness and strength” integrated with “inspirations of well-structured menswear”. They manufacture and design their collection in Canada – paying fair wages and ensuring safe work conditions while employing 230 Canadians directly and indirectly through manufacturing. Sadly, if they don’t receive support from the government through BDC, they will likely be closing their doors. Please, if you can, consider purchasing something from @judithandcharles. I’ll add the link to Meghan’s dress in my story. ??If you aren’t in a position to buy, please follow the link in my bio or stories to help appeal their case. ?? It takes courage for them to share this struggle publicly. They need to sell 1,500 suits to survive. Please add any ideas you may have in the comments! We can all help in small ways to help make sure our favorite small businesses are still there when this storm blows over. ??

A post shared by Meghan Markle (@hrhofsussex) on May 13, 2020 at 12:49pm PDT

“Creo que quiere que la gente sienta compasión hacia ella y que sepa por todo lo que ha pasado, que ha sido de todo menos un cuento de hadas. Tiene ganas de que se conozca su parte más vulnerable y que la gente entienda lo mucho que tuvo que soportar”, dijo la allegada a Markle. Si bien no se sabe todavía cuando estarán publicadas este texto, ya hay certezas de la preocupación que causó esta novedad en la familia real. Por el momento, la duquesa de Sussex y su esposo Harry se encuentran disfrutando del hijo que tienen en común.

Happy Weekend!! What games have you guys been playing in quarantine?! Please share below!!???

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A post shared by Meghan Markle | Sussex Fam (@hrhofsussex)